Sunday, October 18, 2015

Just some update... things have been well since my last post. My cold's getting a lot better thankfully, just been up and down about my job to be honest. Shall I continue to be in this monotonous position or do I quit to go down a more creative, better path..? I have been asking questions like this for a while, and yes I know I have been at this job-dining room attendant at ASU's Manzanita Hall by the way-for only two months and thus it would be insane and probably delusional to even considering quitting so early into a job, but sometimes I wonder if it'd be worth it. I have realized there would be some who will think that I'm just another part of the "now now now" generation, but that's not entirely it. What it comes down to for me at least is life fulfillment. I mean sure this job pays me and there's health insurance with it, but do I feel truly happy in this position? The real honest truth is that no I do not, but it does give me something to do during the day. That's all it really is for now, since I do have plans to put more videos on my YouTube channel and stuff like that to fulfill the creative part of my life. And to leave you on a positive note, I'll leave you all with this picture of some birds in Tempe near a man-made lake or canal I believe near that freeway that separates Scottsdale and Tempe:

And just for the hell of it, some footage of the rain today:

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